change the settings
Photography of classical or modern architecture is a serious challenge. However, the forces spent on shooting buildings and urban historical sights are worth what the photographer most often gets. Here are some tips that will help you not to be afraid to shoot architecture – in your native village or tourist center.
Be attentive to the direction of light, as with its help you can increase the contrast, shadows, textures and reflections. A high level of contrast can cause cameras to incorrectly transmit the picture. However, this can be easily overcome using exposure compensation.
Another trick is to put pictures in one row with different exposure values (one shot for backlighting, one for halftones and one for shadows), and then combine them into a special HDR program (for example, Photomatix). Continue reading
Joseph Koudelka is a wonderful person and photographer. He has written a lot of biographical references about him, but those who talked with him personally speak best of him. Therefore, instead of a biography, I am pleased to present you a translation of an interview with a photographer taken by Tim Nokes.
“… Over the past fifty years, Josef Koudelka has shot hundreds of wonderful photos. In a rare interview with a photographer, I was able to question Koudelka about his exciting career and why Koudelka was the only person who could openly criticize Henri Cartier-Bresson.
45 years ago, the photographer for the first time decided to show his photos, and today he is considered a man of mystery. His works reveal the beauty of abstract forms and the plasticity of threatening shadows in desert landscapes, in which people are deprived of the right to vote. Continue reading
Richard Avedon (1923-2004) is an American master of fashion photography. At least, many modern photographers think so, looking at his work. In fact, besides the fashion style that Avedon really loved, the photographer was very appreciative of the artistic picture as a whole, considering it a real vocation.
In his portfolio, with which we will meet today, there are works of various genres, from a staging portrait for the fashion industry to street reportage.
Richard Avedon’s first experience in the fashion industry is very revealing. As a young photographer who recently filmed a soldier for documents, Richard was able to persuade the fashion store manager to rent outfits for him, and he spent all his savings to hire a professional fashion model. His work so impressed with the administration of the store that Avedon received a contract and was able to do what he liked.
Look at the work of most modern fashion photographers – only a few of them stand out in a unique style. The rest repeat all the same gestures, the same composition, the same characteristic tendencies, due to which the names of their authors are not even remembered. Continue reading