How to shoot underwater portraits without leaving home
“For a long time I was engaged in creating scenes and props for my pictures,…

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Genre photos.
Astrophotography is a popular, but very expensive photography genre, in which not many masters can…

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Steve McCurry (Steve McCurry) - one of the best photographers in the world, a recognized…


Even if you are not familiar with the name of Elliott Erwitt, his photos must…


Genre photos.

Astrophotography is a popular, but very expensive photography genre, in which not many masters can afford to work. The essence of the genre is to shoot astronomical objects in outer space. Astrophotography is mainly used for scientific research and is very popular among scientists and astronomers. Astrophotography photographers photograph stars, nebulae, planets. The most “simple” object of shooting is the moon. Even the masters who do not possess supernatural equipment can take pictures of the moon, for this there will be a sufficiently powerful telephoto lens and superzoom.
Aerial photography is another popular, but not cheap, genre of photography. The essence of the genre lies in the fact that the photographer removes the surface of the earth from a bird’s-eye view, allowing viewers to look at reality from a height. Aerial photography is especially popular in places where any means of transport other than a helicopter are not available, as well as in areas of infections and natural disasters. Today, aerial photography is often used in cartography, helping to create topographic maps and conducting environmental studies. One example of stunning and informative aerial photography is the documentary “Home. A Date with the Planet, directed by Luc Besson and photographer Jan Arthus-Bertrand.
One of the oldest genres of photo art is architectural photography. Even during the birth of photography, as such, architectural photography was one of the most “convenient” in the implementation of photography genres. The main task of architectural photography is to accurately display the building, the image of its shape, size and structure, without any changes and drawing. Despite the fact that at first glance this genre seems simple, there are a lot of rules in architectural photography, and there are strict requirements for the photos themselves. It is important that the master photographing this or that structure does not distort its shape or color, so that the light would be soft and illuminate the building evenly.
Food photography has become particularly popular over the past few years, thereby turning from a commercial photo into something more primitive and accessible to everyone. And all this is due to the fact that many users and beginners confuse ordinary food shots on the phone with expensive shooting by professional advertisers. Shooting food is popular and requires some small skills and technical equipment. The main problems that a photographer may encounter while working are incorrect lighting, initially not an attractive type of food, composition, and more. The task of the master is to shoot an attractive and “tasty” food, for this he must provide all the conditions of shooting, as well as be able to show the dish or product from the most advantageous position.
Genre photos. Aesthetic photo
Aesthetic photography, or how else it can be called – photography with the bokeh effect is incredibly popular, and the desire to create a picture with a creative blurred background sooner or later occurs in all novice photomasters. Blurring the background makes it possible to emphasize interesting aspects of the image, to place accents and to make a truly artistic photo. We already talked about how to create a bokeh effect in a photo and what factors influence the creation of a blurred background. Also for inspiration you can familiarize yourself with incredibly beautiful examples of bokeh in photography.
One of the most common and popular genres of photography is portrait photography. The purpose of portrait photography is a beautiful display of people, the ability to show a person’s mood in an artistic and creative way, especially his appearance and expressive features. If we are talking about a portrait, then first of all we have in mind the facial image of the model, the so-called breast portrait. However, there are such concepts as a belt portrait, a growth portrait and a portrait of 2/3. Many professional photographers prefer to create black and white portraits, arguing that this way you can show the most expressive features and personality of each person. Portrait, along with architectural photography are the oldest genres of photography.
Fashion or studio shooting
Fashion and studio photography are the most profitable genres of photography. Fashion photography has been put exclusively on a commercial basis, which is why professional photographers get good rewards for their work at the studio. Photographing for catalogs of clothes and magazines, online publications and advertising brochures, family and individual shooting in the studio – all this applies to fashion and studio photography. In this type of shooting, as in any other, there are difficulties and nuances that are clearly important to consider. To begin with, to become a prestigious fashion photographer you need to invest a lot of time and money in training and acquiring the necessary equipment. Create and make popular your style of photography.

Richard Avedon (1923-2004) is an American master of fashion photography. At least, many modern photographers…


Modern types of photos
No artist has ever worked at once in all genres. So now, a rare photographer…
