5 reasons to buy an ultra wide lens
Super wide-angle lenses are a very specific class of optics, with their own features and…

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Snow! A great many of us love to watch white grains gently fall from the…

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Photo Basics
This course will help camera owners to deal with camera buttons, leave the “AUTO” mode…


Photo Basics
This course will help camera owners to deal with camera buttons, leave the “AUTO” mode…


bluish tint will still

Impossible is possible – dynamic portraits from the ambassador Canon Samo Vidic

Ambassador Canon Samo Vidic is a professional sports photographer who shoots the stars of world sport for famous publications and brands, demonstrating his excellent physical shape and skill of famous athletes. However, he decided to devote his own project to those who are often deprived of attention – to athletes with disabilities who do the impossible to succeed in their favorite sport.
“The media is not particularly interested in such athletes, and Olympians are more often glimpsed on the screen. The Paralympics are paid much less attention – about five percent of what the Olympic Games get. Therefore, I wanted to capture athletes, about whom we know so little, to tell about them, to tell the amazing story of their lives, ”says Sam.
Most of his busy career, which began in 1999, the Slovene photographer Samo Vidic devoted to sports photography. In his youth, he himself was an enthusiastic athlete: he jumped on skis from a springboard, played football and tennis. Before he himself discovered the magical world of photography, he received a degree in mechanical engineering. Continue reading

10 steps to shooting a portrait, the experience of Elena Lucan

1. The need to shoot new
Every day I think about how I shoot, what I shoot, and especially about how I haven’t shot yet.
I am inspired by artists, photographers, directors who influenced visual art in general. I watch their work, read the biography and when something catches me, I stop and want to repeat.
Of course, I like the image that needs to be decoded, deciphered, when the question arises: how to take it? Then the task appears by itself – to eliminate gaps in the technique and methods of shooting.
There is a burning need to shoot as I do not know, shoot otherwise. And then I start looking for a model.
2. Model selection Continue reading

Where you can shoot, and where you can not

publication in the media, posting on the Internet, printing on booklets, banners, etc. Accordingly, laws regulate these rights differently. And very often allowed to shoot, but prohibit or restrict distribution.
The Constitution gives us the right to shoot almost anywhere: “everyone has the right to seek, receive, transmit, produce and distribute information in any legal way.” But there are a number of laws that restrict this right in specific cases.
Three “No”
You can immediately identify three areas when photography may be prohibited. All of them are connected with one condition: restriction of access to these areas. That is, you can remember: where you can not appear without permission, you can not take pictures. These three “no” looks like this:
objects related to state secrets (for example, military units, “secure” enterprises, etc.);
objects related to trade secrets (enterprises that use unique technologies protected by intellectual property laws); Continue reading

Most of us look at the world with two eyes. But whenever a person takes…


One of the best things about night photography is how much it says goodbye —…
